Author: Deepak

  • Completely Free  HTML/CSS Course for Beginners

    Completely Free HTML/CSS Course for Beginners

    Learning a completely new thing may be hard, but not impossible. If you have the right resources and will to learn, you will come-out being a Ninja . I don’t even remember, how I learned HTML/CSS, but now this helps me in earning my daily bread-butter. If you are looking for a completely free course for learning…

  • A collection of 180 CSS Linear Gradients

    A collection of 180 CSS Linear Gradients

    A very useful website for web-developers. offers a wide range of ready-to-use 180 CSS gradients, which can used in developing websites. The website looks pretty clean with Gradients appearing in a grid-layout. Look for your desired gradient, click on “Copy CSS”, it adds the CSS code to your Clipboard and then just paste it…

  • Must have Atom Text Editor packages for Web Developers

    Must have Atom Text Editor packages for Web Developers

    Atom Text Editor – a completely hack-able editor is a free and open source code editor available for Windows, Mac and Linux. It can be completely modified using Node.js based plugins and community created themes. If you’re familiar with Sublime-text editor, you’d love Atom Editor. You can modify the Atom Editor to completely resemble sublime…

  • A must-have Git commands handbook

    A must-have Git commands handbook

    If you haven’t heard of the term Git (Git Version Control System), you can skip the story and google the term to know more about it. And if you are aware of it and looking for a handy document, where you could refer all the commands in a single glance and learn more, checkout the website…