After CSS3 ?

CSS is rapidly evolving now. From just announcing css variables to now having cascade layers, scroll-driven animations without the need of any Js, CSS has really come a long way.
Below are some of the new concepts you can explore, learn about. I’ll writing posts on each of them very soon.

Simple (Basic concepts, straightforward usage):

  1. CSS Variables
  2. color-scheme: light dark
  3. text-wrap: balance
  4. :focus-visible
  5. :user-valid and :user-invalid
  6. :where and :is
  7. Transition support for display: block/none
  8. margin-trim
  9. max-content

Intermediate (Requires more understanding):

  1. :has
  2. CSS Nesting
  3. CSS Layers
  4. View Transitions
  5. color mixing
  6. animating height: auto
  7. @property
  8. Scoping

Complex (Advanced concepts, multiple moving parts):

  1. Scroll Driven Animations
  2. Container Queries – size
  3. Container Queries – style
  4. Subgrid
  5. @when
  6. @else
  7. Anchor Positioning
  8. <selectmenu>



