• Hide elements for all except Screen Readers

    Hide elements for all except Screen Readers

    In web development, we do run into a situation where we want to hide an element from the user’s view, but at the same time, we also want it to be accessible to Screen Readers. In these situations, there’s a CSS approach that comes in very handy. A bunch of CSS lines make sure that…

  • Change Google Chrome Address-bar color

    Change Google Chrome Address-bar color

    It’s a quick little solution to customise the browser’s Address-bar colour as per your website’s theme colour. By-default the address appears with default colour theme depending upon whether you enabled Dark-mode or not. As it has white colour as default for Google Chrome. If you have noticed websites like Facebook and more, you can see…

  • Show YouTube subscriber count on your website

    Show YouTube subscriber count on your website

    If you run a YouTube channel and want to display it’s subscriber count on your personal blog or a website, there is a very simple way of doing it. All you need is to paste a 2 line code inside your display wrapper. This might be the quickest way to display Subscriber count on any…

  • Install Homebrew on Mac

    Install Homebrew on Mac

    Homebrew is a package manager for Mac systems. The biggest advantage of installing Homebrew is that it makes your developer life somewhat comfortable and quick. Installing huge applications like Node, NPM becomes just 3 words matter. Learn more about it on it’s official website – http://brew.sh/. Best part: It comes free. Installing Homebrew is a…

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